Here are just a few of the frequently asked questions. Our “Policies” page contains more in-depth information on certain topics.
A: At this time, we ask that you call our office during clinic hours. We are able to take your call Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm. We are closed for lunch daily from 12 pm to 12:45 pm.
A: We are available to answer phone calls Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. We do close for a lunch break from 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm, but are here if you have an urgent issue. Please follow menu prompts on our phone system to reach us during lunch.
Providers schedules can vary by the provider, day of the week and time of year. However, they typically see patients between 8am and 4:30pm (with the exception of the lunch hour).
A: Illnesses can’t be ‘scheduled’. So, we strive to see our “sick” (acute illness) kids the same day. In order to have “same day” appointments available, we have to limit the number of pre-scheduled visits. Inherently, this means that Drs. Thompson and Lee will book out a few months in advance for well child visits. Robin typically has well child openings during the current month. Families do cancel, so you are always welcome to inquire about current openings.
A: We likely are. Please visit our New Patients page for more information.
A. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Secondly, please call us or send us a message (click here) so that we can put you on our newborn list.
A: If you are delivering in the hospital, we have a partnership with the pediatric hospitalists at Spokane area hospitals. They will visit you and perform your newborn’s exam(s). Once your baby has been cleared to head home, give us a call and we will get the first appointment scheduled.
If you are delivering at home, birthing center, at a facility outside of Spokane, etc. give us a call when it is feasible to do so and we’ll get the first appointment scheduled. The first visit is typically occurs when baby is 3 to 5 days old.
A: Once your child turns 3 years old, we do like to see them yearly. Prior to the age of 3 they are seen more frequently. Visit our Well Child page more information.
For an appointment with your preferred provider and more day/time options, please make your child’s well visit as far in advance as possible. We do have our schedule open 12 months in advance.
A: Yes. Please call the clinic at 509.448.7337 and select option 2 for the triage voicemail. We strive to answer all questions the same day.
A: If it is a true emergency, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room. We prefer Providence Sacred Heart’s Pediatric ER.
Check to see if you can find an answer here on our website. The Symptom Checker is a great resource.
If it is an urgent issue that can not wait until we are open, you may contact the Nurse Advice Line offered by your insurance company or you may use our after-hours triage by following the prompts on our phone system. Utilizing our after-hours triage may result in a service charge. Please click here for more information.